You're on the edge of a breakthrough. Your blessing is around the corner. Or what about "Your heart's desires will be fulfilled". How many times have you heard these words when someone is encouraging you while you are waiting on your requests to be granted and your visions or desires to come to pass? I have heard them too many times to count. I must admit that at times, waiting is nothing more than frustrating! There are times when I just want to raise my hand and say "Lord, Did you forget about your child down here?" There are times when I feel like living for God is just not bringing about the rewards that are promised although I know that is not true. I see others getting blessed (or so I think) and I lay sit wondering when my greatest blessings will come into manifestation.
I pray, I obey, I love, I turn my cheek to enemies, and I am reaching to go to a higher level in God. But still, I wait. These are the times when I really have to get into God's Word to be reminded of His promises. What I've learned through prayer and revelation of scripture is that God's will always comes to pass. However, our freewill gives us the power to delay our blessings.
WOW! You mean to tell me that some of the things that I have asked God for that have not been received because of me? God revealed to me that there are things that I needed to work on in my life in order for other blessings to be bestowed upon me. God doesn't work according to time. He works according to when you are ready for the blessing that He has stored up for you. The natural part of us is always worried about time while God is saying if you just take up your cross and follow the road that I have paved for you, time wouldn't be a factor to you either. If we want to live the life that God has planned for us, we have to walk the path that He has laid in front of us. We must change on the inside.
God doesn't look at the physical circumcision. In order to extend into the greater blessings, there must be a total circumcision of the heart, the mind and the soul! God knows the plans that He has for us and I am certain that His plan is much greater than any plan I could have for myself! God also knows when we are ready to receive what we have asked for and He will not present it to us a moment before we are ready! While we are waiting, God is working - on the inside of us! I felt God saying to me, "My child, I don't need you to keep praying to me for the same things. I know that which you have asked and I am working on it. I need you to spend more time with me and let me mold you so that you will be ready to receive the greatness that I have stored up for you. I need you to let me change you and bring you to a higher level in me." At that moment, God revealed to me everything that I needed to do to get my blessings released from heaven - I literally shouted to the Most High God! When you know what you need to do, that there is half the battle.
I want to encourage you to stop focusing on the fact that you have asked God to bless you with something and after 5, 10 or even 20 years, it hasn't happened. It doesn't mean that God is denying your request; it means that He is waiting on you to give Him your heart, your time and your life - completely! God gets tired of us asking, asking, asking and not totally surrendering our lives to Him. We must completely give everything over to God, live according to His Word, Trust His plan and wait on His promises. "I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread" (Psalm 37:25) - God has not forgotten about us. Be satisfied with what you have.Get beyond God blessing you and worship Him for who He is. Once you have allowed God to complete the spiritual circumcision in your life, His promises will follow once He sees that you are ready to receive the blessings.!
Pray for all season cause delay is not denied. You're on the edge of a breakthrough. Your blessing is around the corner.!